Iqin was established in 2021. Bringing together experts in alternative data and behavioral economics, we have been working and investing in the stock market and contemporary art, and currently focusing on the real estate market.
At each of the project step – starting from searching for a property to optimizing the work schedule and the price of building materials, we use our knowledge and experience in behavioral economics and alternative data – starting from Google search trends and traffic on the websites of suppliers and contractors to obtaining permits to increase property space.
We moved from narrowly focused analytics to a comprehensive analysis of each stage of development and to advising contractors on their optimization, which resulted in a unique product - architectural arbitration based on alternative data and behavioral economics.
At each of the project step – starting from searching for a property to optimizing the work schedule and the price of building materials, we use our knowledge and experience in behavioral economics and alternative data – starting from Google search trends and traffic on the websites of suppliers and contractors to obtaining permits to increase property space.
We moved from narrowly focused analytics to a comprehensive analysis of each stage of development and to advising contractors on their optimization, which resulted in a unique product - architectural arbitration based on alternative data and behavioral economics.
Our services
Our services
Preparation of analytical reports on markets for investment
Collection of alternative data
Formation of multifactor analytics
Integration of elements of behavioral economics into factors.
Training AI to predict the behavior of markets and products
Collection of alternative data
Formation of multifactor analytics
Integration of elements of behavioral economics into factors.
Training AI to predict the behavior of markets and products
Our competencies
Our competencies
Alternative data is a segment of investment related data obtained not from traditional sources, such as financial reports, but from secondary sources such as Internet traffic, job listing statistics, satellite imageries, marine vessels and aircraft tracking, etc.
Our company has vast experience in preparing market research, both in aggregating alternative data from world's largest suppliers, and in creating our own unique software and algorithms.
Our company has vast experience in preparing market research, both in aggregating alternative data from world's largest suppliers, and in creating our own unique software and algorithms.
Today, the use of AI in analytics will not surprise anyone - many people already have it on their phones in the form of ChatGPT and other applications. We were one of the first to use it; in 2006-2007, we used neural networks to analyze telecom traffic and by 2024 we had made significant progress in this matter.
Behavioral economics
Behavioral economics
Interest in this topic led us in 2012 to meet and communicate with Daniel Kahneman. Since then, the amount of research and experimentation in this area has grown exponentially. And we are progressively integrating some of them into our analytical models to adjust forecasts.
Alternative data
Alternative data
About 5 years ago, we created our own parsing programs for daily collection and analysis of data from linkedIn, Semrush, Yahoo-Finance and others. During Covid, we analyzed space images of airports and metallurgical companies to predict the beginning of changes in their work. Today we are analyzing dozens of such sources.
Multifactor analysis
Multifactor analysis
The most important criterion for the effectiveness of multifactor analysis is the redistribution of the weight of all factors relative to each other. Our experience, coupled with the trained AI, allows us to fine-tune the optimization of these weights. Redundancy of fields in multivariate analysis can only be harmful, so in the AI training process we minimize them and mutually train our databases, using mutual experience from different industries and markets.
Our markets
Our markets
Most of the secondary real estate market properties can potentially increase in price because of architectural replanning and an increase in living space by means of terraces or their own land plots. At the same time, to maximize profitability, it is important to minimize not only costs, but also the construction time.
The goal of architectural arbitrage is to rank all real estate ads in a particular city to identify real estate property with the maximum arbitrage between purchase and resale prices taking into the account architectural replanning and an increase in living space. To achieve this, we use best practices of our experts in alternative data and cognitive distortions for each of the project stages: searching for real estate property, purchasing conditions, obtaining construction permits, optimizing costs for work and materials, and selling real estate property.
The goal of architectural arbitrage is to rank all real estate ads in a particular city to identify real estate property with the maximum arbitrage between purchase and resale prices taking into the account architectural replanning and an increase in living space. To achieve this, we use best practices of our experts in alternative data and cognitive distortions for each of the project stages: searching for real estate property, purchasing conditions, obtaining construction permits, optimizing costs for work and materials, and selling real estate property.
Bond market
Bond market
Our multifactor analysis includes more than 100 initial bond comparison parameters. The inclusion of alternative data and AI training makes forecasts much more accurate and allows you to select the most reliable and profitable bonds in different sectors of the economy and in different countries.
From low-liquid, high-yield to the highest-rated. Updating forecasts taking into account company and market news.
From low-liquid, high-yield to the highest-rated. Updating forecasts taking into account company and market news.
Stock market
Stock market
First of all, our competencies allow us to predict the future financial results of public companies based on alternative data. And further find arbitrage strategies between our forecasts and market expectations.
Real estate
Real estate
In the process of analyzing development projects over 5 years, unique business models were developed: “architectural arbitrage” and “apartment in a warehouse”.
The Monaco market is assessed using more than a hundred parameters, including Google queries and parsing of real estate agency websites and industry closed databases.
The Monaco market is assessed using more than a hundred parameters, including Google queries and parsing of real estate agency websites and industry closed databases.
Investment managers
Investment managers
A selection of the most consistently successful investment companies, funds and private investment management teams, for more than 20 different segments - from equity funds and private equity to cryptocurrency funds and crowdlending platforms.
Contemporary art
Contemporary art
The analysis of the contemporary art market is conducted on approximately 700 names and begins with auction statistics and ends with statistics of social networks, mentions in the media, and the number and media coverage of exhibitions
Cognitive biases and behavioral economics
Cognitive biases and behavioral economics
Reality, from a scientific point of view, is just a “metaphor of cognitive processes”. There are not even two people having the same perception of “reality”. However, this is further deepened by evolutionary atavisms, the so-called cognitive biases, which radically change even the commonly accepted logic.
Some of these cognitive biases create the foundation for neuromarketing and behavioural economics.
Deep practical application of knowledge about cognitive biases and the laws of behavioural economics allows our company to find arbitrage for our clients in the most unexpected information layers - from cryptocurrencies to the real estate market.
Some of these cognitive biases create the foundation for neuromarketing and behavioural economics.
Deep practical application of knowledge about cognitive biases and the laws of behavioural economics allows our company to find arbitrage for our clients in the most unexpected information layers - from cryptocurrencies to the real estate market.
Architectural arbitration
Architectural arbitration
Most of the secondary real estate market properties can potentially increase in price because of architectural replanning and an increase in living space by means of terraces or their own land plots. At the same time, to maximize profitability, it is important to minimize not only costs, but also the construction time.
The goal of architectural arbitrage is to rank all real estate ads in a particular city to identify real estate property with the maximum arbitrage between purchase and resale prices taking into the account architectural replanning and an increase in living space. To achieve this, we use best practices of our experts in alternative data and cognitive distortions for each of the project stages: searching for real estate property, purchasing conditions, obtaining construction permits, optimizing costs for work and materials, and selling real estate property.
The goal of architectural arbitrage is to rank all real estate ads in a particular city to identify real estate property with the maximum arbitrage between purchase and resale prices taking into the account architectural replanning and an increase in living space. To achieve this, we use best practices of our experts in alternative data and cognitive distortions for each of the project stages: searching for real estate property, purchasing conditions, obtaining construction permits, optimizing costs for work and materials, and selling real estate property.